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22 September - 8 October 2022


An exhibition of artwork by local artist Michael Burkitt (He/Him), b.1985.


Having been artist in residence at fountain arts in Sept – October Michael created two new works for this exhibition:



169,700, is the largest drawing Michael had ever made and took him 8 days to complete.


Each mark made in the drawing represented a person in North Lincolnshire, when completed everyone in North Lincolnshire was represented in the work.


Michael has been making these drawings since 2003 and they have represented many large numbers.



ROUND HERE, was an invitation for visitors to draw something that makes them proud of ‘round here’. It could be a person, a place, an industry, an artist or anything.


All contributors kept the original, the yellow under sheet went on the wall and the pink sheet will be made into a book.


There were two films in the exhibition, both of which use North Lincolnshire as a starting point and tell some real and some fictional stories of our shared history.


Michael’s other work had never been exhibited in North Lincolnshire before and had all been made since 2017.


For more information visit:

ROUND HERE Michael Burkitt fountain arts
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